S2 Criminology Talk - Bringing the Curriculum to Life
5 July 2022

Name of Event S2 Criminology Talk
Event Sector: Police
Event Background / Objectives: The teacher for the new S2 Criminology class wanted to get a speaker in early on in the school year in order to motivate them for the coming year. The take up in the class has been more than originally thought. We had the idea to get in someone who works within the police but has some kind of link to science. Graham Strong who is a scene examination supervisor agreed to come in. Grahams job is to analyze crime scenes using science. He is a great link for this class as it’s the exact thing the course is aimed at explaining. How we use science within criminology.
Event Format: Graham wanted to make the session as practical as possible. He brought in some of the gadgets he uses when he arrives at a crime scene. He showed the pupils a machine that can analyze footprints to match a suspect to a footprint. He also showed a “dusting” machine as he called it. This is used to find fingerprints on doors/walls/windows that without this dust would be very hard to see. He showed the students how to take a fingerprint off surfaces and students got the chance to do this themselves.
Graham went through the process he uses when he first arrives at a scene. As he is one of the first people on the scene and has control over who is allowed in and out it was fascinating to hear the whole process from the man himself. The pupils got an opportunity to ask questions and really grilled Graham on what happens at the scene of a crime. Pupils were thoroughly engaged throughout the whole session and really got a kick out of hearing all the stories Graham was able to tell.
Direct Impacts: Pupils said to the teacher how much they enjoyed this session, as they had only been in the class a couple of weeks it was great for them to get inspired by someone who is in the field. The teacher will now be able to use examples from these sessions to aid her in the class. Graham has stated he will come back later in the year and we are also hoping to arrange a visit to the police station where we are hoping to “stage” a crime scene where the pupils can do their own investigation.
Benefits: Massive benefits to the teacher as it has instantly engaged her pupils with the subject. Getting someone in so early was a great idea and we can link up with Graham again later on.