Scottish Careers Week 2024: Shape the Future
24 October 2024

Now in its fourth year, Scottish Careers Week is a Skills Development Scotland campaign. The campaign aims to shine a light on the career support that's available to everyone across Scotland.
Scottish Careers Week is a great opportunity for young people across Inverness and the Highlands to learn about the different industry sectors, career pathways and job opportunities across our region.
There are lots of ways for individuals and organisations in the Highlands can get involved with Scottish Careers Week. You can join in whether you are an employer, a teacher in a school or the parent/carer of a young person.
- If you are delivering any activities for young people in schools via DYW Inverness & Central Highland, you can share these using the hashtag #ScotCareersWeek24.
- If you have job opportunities for young people in Inverness or in Central Highlands, why not give these some extra promotion during Scottish Careers Week? Drop us a note with the details, together with a relevant image, and we'll include your vacancy on our jobs page and social media channels.
- Organising a careers-related event - like an apprenticeship open evening - of your own? List it for free here.
- Is your business on social media? Check out some suggested Scottish Careers Week 2024 posts here and graphics here.
- Talk to your DYW Inverness & Central Highland coordinators about arranging some career-related activities with local employers.
- Access additional careers-related sessions via My World of Work.
- Register for inspirational talks via DYW Live.
Parents & carers
- Sign up to a free webinar on Tuesday 12 November to find out about the support and resources that are available to help young people make career decisions.

More on Scottish Careers Week and to access the toolkit visit here